September 24, 2020
Great partnership going on in Pamlico County NC with the Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Alliance (PCDRA) who is providing grant money, the Brethren Disaster Ministries who is providing leadership and volunteers and Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders who is also helping provide funding for materials and we expect to have some of our staff out in Pamlico County working alongside Brethren Disaster Ministries once we wrap up a home we are working on in Havelock NC in the next few weeks
This great partnership is making it possible for us to stretch our limited dollars enabling us to help more homeowners. We have 3 more homes lined up to get done this year in Pamlico County with this partnership and looking forward to this wonderful partnership continuing into next year.
Roosevelt and Inez have been out of their home since Hurricane Florence 2 years ago and work just started this week. As in most rebuilds, we find surprises and no different here as most of the front wall had severe damage
If you can volunteer or donate funds to help rebuilds let us know. There is still a lot to do 2 years out from Hurricane Florence in Eastern North Carolina.
Rusty Cready/FCDR NC Operations Director