Home of Malcolm Savage ready for dedication
There’s good news abounding in Plaquemines! As most of you know, Disaster ReBuilders came to Plaquemines expecting to start work in January on homes funded by a United Way grant. As a result of different delays, that work didn’t actually begin until the end of March. In the meantime we found two wonderful homeowners to help—Herman DeMoll and family, and Malcolm Savage. The good news is that they’re both in their new homes!
We actually had the dedication for Malcolm on May 3rd. We had a great volunteer team from First Church in Swampscott, MA representing all of you who had worked on that house. Jim Woodard, pastor of Crossroads Church in Belle Chasse, thanked Malcolm for the opportunity to serve our Lord by serving Malcolm (a perspective on our homeowners and mission that I hadn’t thought of before). Peter presented the Bible as the owner’s manual for the home. We didn’t have our standard quilt that day but thanks to Joann Seppi of Iron Mountain, MI, we’ve since corrected that omission. Malcolm’s girlfriend, Betty, fixed a grand dinner. We thought we might get a snack but it was more like a five-course meal.
I should add that we ran into a show-stopper of a “glitch” on the one-yard line connecting power to the house. Changed procedures wouldn’t allow Entergy to connect to the overhead mast installed on the house. I’ll just say that Steve Martsolf saved the day by doing yeoman’s service getting underground power service to the house! That’s a grand story of volunteer dedication and professionalism too long for this message. I should add that Doug Brushaber was a major help to Steve during this five-day exercise.
Now for the good news on Herman and family. You’ll all recall that Herman’s move-in deadline was established based on him and Marlena having a new home to bring the baby home to. Well yesterday they moved in! And the baby is expected any day now. The house looks great! Mission accomplished! And Joann has made a special quilt for the new baby. Now that will be a fun presentation!
Blessings, Bart
Submitted by Bart Tucker
Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders