October 17, 2024
Update on the North Carolina Hurricane Helene Relief trip!
The team is making what seems like great progress down here! The reality is what we have done is a drop in the bucket… this community has been devastated, in some places it’s nothing but a stack of sticks left of what people spent their whole lives calling home. Through all the destruction what I’ve noticed is this place has rallied together to make some sense of all this. There are license plates from all over the county and people are showing up to help. A man whose house we worked at said to us “ ya know, why’d it have to take such a disaster to bring us all together” he said he didn’t know how they were going to come back from this but the people showing up gave him hope. I thought I would wonder where is god in all of this. But, there is no doubt his hand is on this community. There is a sense of love, compassion, and hope that other than god I wouldn’t be able to understand. The stores have been converted to warming centers and donation distribution centers. Water is being restored little by little. God is on the move and we are all grateful to be a part of the mission! Mike Goyner Team Trinity/FCDR WNC