In June 2009, we “declared victory” over Hurricane Katrina and moved our mission to Hurricane Ike country in East Texas. As you know by now, I’ve admitted to a premature declaration of victory (I’m in good company anyway). We might have been correct in assessing a greater need in East Texas than the Mississippi Gulf Coast, but we’ve found many families in Plaquemines Parish who have not recovered from Katrina and are still in a temporary housing solution. 2011 is the year where we’re going to seriously address this oversight!

Heather and I (and Alyssa for those of you who have met her) are now comfortably settled into our new “digs” (read single-wide mobile home) in Port Sulphur, Louisiana. I’m typing this from the fellowship hall of our Plaquemines partner, Port Sulphur Baptist Church. Doesn’t all this sound familiar?

What’s missing from this picture? YOU!!!!! Come on down! We need you to recreate our little miracle. At this moment, we have five new construction permits filed (oops, but not granted). We’re making progress but certainly still need your prayers. The first two teams arrive next Sunday (January 10th)!!! Busy week coming up!!

All the best in 2011!

In His service, Bart