Our nation is at this moment face-to-face with the long-term effects of racial prejudice and injustice. As a nation, we can apologize for not doing enough but, of course, that is a long ways from fixing the problem. We must all do more.

As we go about our mission of sharing the love of Jesus Christ (and, oh yes, rebuilding a house at the same time), we see the inequity on a daily basis. Most grant proposals ask about the diversity of our mission. It’s very easy to say that the minority representation in those we serve will probably be double the diversity of the population or a particular area. And we’re not even dealing the average family, we’re already a couple of steps up the economic ladder because we’re dealing with homeowners. But we all know those we serve are hit the hardest by any storm.

Certainly, we shouldn’t feel comfortable about where we’re at, but I genuinely believe that the homeowners we serve feel the love of Jesus in how you treat them and love them. Of course, you’re not the average American by any means. The fact that you feel called to serve on a mission with Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders you want to love up on someone you’ve never even met—black, white or other. We don’t have favorite homeowners but, if we did, many would certainly be those of color!

In many ways we are addressing not just poverty but injustice every day. Helping homeowners appeal that FEMA denial, appealing that insurance claim, helping them clear up a property title issue, installing accessible modifications to a home that had none because they didn’t know the system, weatherizing a home, and I could go on.

But let us not be comfortable, but embrace the fight for equality and justice with even greater vigor. If we are truly sharing the love of Jesus Christ with all of our neighbors, we will win this battle!

Bart Tucker/President FCDR