September 1, 2020

Our experienced scout team of Toni and Aaron have been on the ground in the Lake Charles area searching for our new home. They’ve more than confirmed the destruction that you’ve read about. Yes, it’s wind damage and not flood (whew) but the wind damage to major power towers sounds to be the worse in recent memory. Those don’t get repaired quickly. We’ve found our friends: Mercy Chefs, Operation Blessing, SBP, etc.
Whenever we come to Louisiana we always get excellent, local guidance from Tamara and David Danel of the Ginger Ford Northshore Fuller Center. For our fifth journey into Louisiana, they’re pointing us toward Ragley, a rural area north of Lake Charles. So we’re converging there today. First wave–Bart, Kate and Eddie coming from Texas. Hopefully even an RV from the Danels. Pete B comes in tomorrow morning. Jimmie and Neil P later in the week.
Always thinking of your comfort, we’re bringing the best cots we’ve every had from Clear Lake Presbyterian. OK, no water and power but we have cots!
Pray for us! Bart Tucker/FCDR President