May 14, 2022

The past two weeks have flown by at our Sulphur La operation and our homeowners are so happy! We’ve had a fantastic UMC team from Ginghamsburg, OH and an amazing team of NOMADS. Also, our friends Deb and Mike Psenicka from Trinity Lutheran Church brought a team from Waupaca Wisconsin!! We think this was Mike and Deb’s 5th trip to help us at one of our operations, and we hope they make many more!!❤️
Our current homes have moved closer the finish line, which can only mean one thing…..It’s almost time to start more homes! 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Come on down to Southwest Louisiana to enjoy some good food, great accommodations and help bring another homeowner back home!!
God is so good!🙌🏻🙌🏻 Come join the fun! Toni Ratliff/FCDR Sulphur, LA