September 6, 2020

Exciting news! We’ve just completed our first evolution in Louisiana focused on an area north of Lake Charles: Ragley-Longville. We had a great team including board members and staff from Panama City and Texas: Faith Bontrager, Pete Berlowitz, Toni and Aaron Ratliff, Neil Pettifor, Kate Robinson, Eddie Shahagun and myself. Our primary mission was to identify volunteer housing for you and, of course, actually help some homeowners.
No surprise to anyone, we confirmed the devastation of a Cat 4 storm even after it’s moved inland for 60+ miles. So it’s about wind and tree damage without the flood damage. But this is complicated by a long-term power outage—no AC to dry out houses and prevent mold growth.
As usual our Fuller Center partners in Hammond, Tamara and David Danel, had some excellent connections for us, primarily the owner/operators of the South Beauregard Medical Center ( They allowed us to use a second building on the property as home base and housing. With no power in the near term there are generators everywhere. Thankfully they restored water for many areas by Wed.
Bottom line: we’re ready for small groups of volunteers in Longville! We’ll provide staff support out of either Houston or Panama City. The conditions will be rustic, but better than those you’ll be serving.
We’ve also identified our long-term housing partner, Celebration Worship Center in Sulphur, LA, just west of Lake Charles  We need a 20KW generator there and then we’ll be ready for you. Should happen quickly.
For more information or to volunteer please contact Lyn Wilson, Volunteer Scheduler,, (346.763.7499). 
Bart Tucker/FCDR President