We’ve continued to closely monitor the flooding situation. The Corps of Engineers has now formally announced the decision to open the Morganza spillway. That’s a big safety valve for many and disaster for those in the flood plains. The fact that this spillway hasn’t been opened in 38 years puts the whole disaster in perspective. Here’s the best article I’ve found on the topic today! Hopefully, we’re not being too naive but believing that this will keep the flood at 20 feet or below in New Orleans and south (read Plaquemines). Forgive my lack of science here, but I’ve also walked up on top of our levees here and observed that the river is about 10 feet below the top of the levee. For those of you who have been here, this is the famous Port Sulphur gage ;-) It’s not too late to share in all the excitement! We have a bunkroom reserved for you!

Submitted by Bart Tucker
Director, Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders