

Returning Families to Their Homes

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When disaster strikes, families are left devastated and without the resources to rebuild their homes and lives. At Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders (FCDR), we are dedicated to restoring hope by rebuilding the uninsured homes of low-income families affected by storm

Mild Weather in Kentucky

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February 7, 2025 The last two weeks in Western Kentucky have been glorious! Not only was the weather mild, the rain seemed to only come when it was convenient, and this season’s mud farms are already planted! Our volunteers made

Helene Destruction and Hope

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January 23, 2025 A volunteer made this short, but powerful, video of one of our homeowners, and also got these pictures of the area immediately after hurricane Helene passed through. We're working on three houses in this neighborhood and spreading

Our Friend Sarge in WNC

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October 21, 2024 It’s not always about repairing the home. It’s about the friendships that are made. These volunteers scooped up our Marine veteran and took him on an outing today!!! I love these guys! FCDR/WNC

WNC Three Weeks Later

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October 20, 2024 It’s been 3 weeks since Hurricane Helene destroyed homes and took numerous lives over a horrific 500 mile path. The destruction left behind is absolutely heartbreaking here in Western North Carolina. It’s hard to imagine what these

Serving in Western North Carolina

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After Hurricane Helene came ashore in Florida on September 26, 2024, it raced through western North Carolina dumping torrential rainfall. The result was devastating flooding and mudslides. We are housing volunteers at Cragmont Assembly, Black Mountain, with a second location at

ARDF in Kentucky 2024

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September 6, 2024 What is the best way to top off having our friends with ARDF (Anglican Relief and Development Fund) in Kentucky for 2 weeks? We celebrate with a wonderful blessing of a home!! This team poured their blood,

New Tornados Hit Kentucky

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June 12, 2024 To say the past 18 days have been a whirlwind is an understatement! The tornados that hit western Kentucky on May 26, 2024 were too close for comfort. We can’t begin to imagine the fear and anxiety

Boomeranger Teams in Kentucky

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May 8, 2024 We were so happy to have TWO of our “Repeat offender/Boomeranger” teams here in Dawson Springs at the same time last week! Volunteers from St. Luke’s (Cabot, PA) and Disciple Disaster Rebuilders (Lexington, KY) spent last week

Encouraging Kentucky Homeowners

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February 24, 2024 This has been truly a meaningful week for our volunteers and our homeowners in Kentucky!! We’ve watched homeowners become encouraged and feel loved. We have seen the spark of hope restored in their eyes and hearts. The

Double Teaming It In Clarksville

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February 6, 2024 As FCDR volunteers continue repairing/rebuilding homes in Kentucky (December 2021 deadly tornado), we also have teams working on homes in Clarksville Tennessee! Clarksville experienced a deadly EF3 tornado on December 9, 2023, which left many residents displaced

One Step Closer

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January 18, 2024 Thanks to WDS Mennonite volunteers, this home in Clarksville is one step closer to completion! Clarksville TN is only an hour away from our base in Madisonville KY. We have been fortunate enough to have the extra

Tornados in Clarksville, TN

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January 16, 2024 On December 9, 2023, Middle Tennessee was hit by multiple tornados. The area hit hardest was the city of Clarksville, TN. Clarksville is home to many military families and veterans, as it is located next to Fort

Staying Busy!

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November 6, 2023 Talk about a busy week here in Kentucky! We were blessed with an abundance of volunteers. We were even able to share a few with the Mayfield-Graves Fuller Center for Housing for a few days, which helped

Different Stages of Build

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October 29, 2023 These builds are rolling right along here in Western Kentucky! These are just a few of our new builds, which are all in different stages. This has our volunteers, subs and crews moving along quickly! We can’t

New Builds 2023

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October 18, 2023 Our Kentucky crew has been quite busy with several new builds going up and others crossing the finish line! WE LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS!!! We are only able to serve those that need a little hand up because

Welcome Home Ms. Anna!

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October 17, 2023 Friday was truly a Beautiful day for a Home Blessing!! Many of our volunteers are familiar with the home of our sweet Ms. Anna. It’s hard to comprehend that she and her sister survived the tornado by

TEC Back in Kentucky

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October 10, 2023 So grateful for Bart Tucker and the team from Trinity Evangelical Church in Massachusetts! They’re in Kentucky making repairs and sharing their time and experience. This week they’re working alongside homeowner Ashley and her family to repair

Progress in Kentucky

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October 8, 2023 Another new home in progress in Western Kentucky! So many were displaced by the tornados that ripped through this area on December 10, 2021. It will be great to see this family in a safe and secure

Returning Volunteers!

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October 7, 2023 We have had some really great volunteers again here in Kentucky! We had a great bunch from Disciples Disaster Rebuilders from Lexington, KY, Middleton MC from Louisville, Ky, then Mike Bultemeier and Bill Miller came to help.

ARDF Team Two in Kentucky!

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August 7, 2023 Last week was wonderful in Kentucky, despite the warm temps and rain! This was week TWO of volunteers that came to us through the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF). This team was amazing! They were able

ARDF Team One in Kentucky!

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July 31, 2023 Last week was the first of two back-to-back weeks of teams that came to our Kentucky operation through the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF). This team of 46 energetic youth and adult leaders put us closer

Arbor Pointe Church in Kentucky

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July 14, 2023 Kentucky Day 5: We see tragedies in the news and go about our lives. Dawson Springs was forever changed on December 10, 2021. This community saw homes destroyed and lives lost as a catastrophic tornado tore through

We Love Our Volunteers

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July 6, 2023 Last week was amazing!! We had TWO great teams return to Kentucky!!Megan Buehler and her team from Ohio were welcomed by our old friends Mike Bultemeier, Dennis Dubay and Tina Koziol!! Despite the heat, these teams gave

Making Progress in Kentucky

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June 26, 2023 Wow! It’s amazing how much was accomplished here last week in Dawson Springs Kentucky!! The FBC Cambridge Ohio Mission team returned to help out, as well as Kristian Bryant from Manlius NY! The progress made by all

Finishing Up in SWLA

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May 15, 2023 Aaron and I have only been with FCDR since 2017, but these guys have been volunteering for years. We can’t say enough about how we feel about these guys!! When Mike Bultemeier calls to say he’s recruiting

Many Hands Make Light Work

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February 19, 2023 It’s been an amazing week here in Southwest Louisiana!! We had a fabulous team from Minnesota (Richard Blood and Presbytery of Northern Waters), as well as 3 repeat volunteers (Bill Frank, Kathy Martin and our buddy Charles

Another Home Coming Along

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February 5, 2023 One of our January projects I haven’t shared yet! This house is at the tippy top of a big hill with a gorgeous view (not counting all the sideways trees.) To be honest, the hill scares me

Americorps in SWLA

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January 20, 2023 This past Monday, our AmeriCorps members participated in the Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service! Volunteering with the faith-based rebuild organization Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders allowed our AmeriCorps members Pauline, Sarah B., Karesha, and Sarah

News Report on SWLA

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January 21, 2023 Chris Stewart with E.W. Scripps Media (Scripps News) visited Southwest Louisiana recently to report on the recovery in SWLA and the work that Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders has been doing here. For over 2 years now, FCDR

From the Ground Up in KY

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December 13, 2022 The guys are hard at work building new homes (with safe rooms) in Barnsley. Can’t help but be proud of all the volunteers, locals, and helper-outers who make it possible. This is a drop in the bucket

Sulphur, LA New Build

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November 13, 2022 This is a beautiful sight to see! This is what 9 days of work looks like when working with a wonderful group of Amish! We have been working hard to find a way to help this sweet

Volunteers Helping Out in LA

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November 5, 2022 It’s been another exciting and productive week here in Louisiana!! We have had another amazing Men for Missions team working with us this past week. To top that off, we had Ken and Michelle Madden, along with

Welcome Home, Mr. Ken!

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November 3, 2022 Last week, we were able to celebrate the blessing of the home of our sweet veteran Mr. Ken! It’s great to see the repairs complete and that he is now able to get around better in his

Windsor UMC Helping in Sulphur, LA

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October 14, 2022 It’s been an amazing week here in Sulphur La! We’ve had the pleasure of having a team of “repeat offenders” working with us this past week, which was wonderful! Christine McFarland’s team from Windsor United Methodist Church

Welcome Home Mr. Lloyd!

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September 30, 2022 Wednesday, we celebrated the home blessing for Mr. Lloyd!! Most of the volunteers that volunteered with FCDR in Lake Charles, LA remember this sweet homeowner as the “Cookie Man!” Mr. Lloyd welcomed the volunteers daily with freshly

Rebuilding in Kentucky

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July 25, 2022 Day one, all our volunteers are excited to start their new projects. Thank you each and everyone of you for giving of your time. — celebrating success at First Christian Church, Madisonville, KY Christina Maes/FCDR Volunteer Coordinator

1958 Bomb Shelter Still Works

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July 12, 2022 This bomb shelter from 1958 in Dawson Springs, Kentucky, kept a couple alive during the devastating tornadoes of December 2021. The nearby house was completely destroyed. 64 years later the shelter fulfilled its mission. Bart Tucker/FCDR President

Trinity LC in Sulphur, LA

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May 16, 2022 Last week, Mike and Debbie Psenicka’s team from Trinity Lutheran Church (Waupaca Wisconsin) made tremendous progress on the homes they were working on. Not only did they bring two homes closer to the finish line, but they

We Need to Move A Tool Trailer

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April 11, 2022 FCDR has a flatbed trailer in New Bern, NC, which is yearning to be in Kentucky supporting the Madisonville operation. If you have the means to move it even partway, please give us a shout! Bart Tucker/FCDR

Welcome Home Miss Mary!

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April 2, 2022 Last week, our Sulphur-based teams celebrated with the home blessing for Ms. Mary in Lake Charles, Louisiana!! The past 19 months have been a roller coaster ride for her. We were so happy to finally be able

Spring Teams in Hammond LA

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April 2, 2022 The blessings continue to pour on us here in Louisiana at the Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders. JESUS IS A WAY-MAKER and he is making a WAY each and every day throughout our lives and the communities we

Working Along in Sulphur

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March 22, 2022 We had a very busy few weeks down here in Southwest Louisiana!! First we had Hand of Hope bring down two AMAZING groups of volunteers. The first group was composed of friends who worked so incredibly hard

Home Dedication in Hammond LA

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March 16, 2022 Here in Hammond Louisiana, we were blessed to do a Home Dedication for a beautiful family!! To see a home and family so devastated after a Major Disaster like Hurricane Ida is a very sad thing. BUT, To see

Group Effort in Sulphur

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March 2, 2022 Last week, our Sulphur operation was blessed to have more amazing volunteers! Last week, the volunteers finished up Edward’s home, while another crew started making tremendous progress on our other homes! This week, we have NOMADS, Team

A Productive Week in Sulphur

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February 18, 2022 It’s been a very productive week at our Sulphur LA operation! We welcomed Ken and Michelle Madden, our friends Larry and Cheryl Winger, and our very first team of UMC NOMADS! With the help of these wonderful

Welcome Home Ms. Diesi!

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February 12, 2022 Yesterday was the perfect day for a very special home dedication. We celebrated with the home blessing for Diesi and her precious family!! As we watched the progression of this rebuild, we’ve seen God’s hands at work

Men From Missions At Work Again

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February 1, 2022 Our friends from Men For Missions are here again! They have been a great deal of help throughout this entire recovery process and we couldn’t do it without their tireless commitment to serving. Thank you once again!

Volunteer in Kentucky

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January 25, 2022 Thank you to the First Christian Church of Madisonville, Kentucky, for stepping up to host our volunteers in Kentucky! MADISONVILLE, Kentucky — The Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders are now accepting volunteer groups to work out of their

Home Blessing in Sulphur

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January 24, 2022 Last week our Southwest Louisiana team was able to celebrate the blessing of the home of Mr. Ray! This kind and humble homeowner has waited patiently to have his home repaired, and it’s good to now be

Storage Sheds in Kentucky

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While evaluating the situation on the ground in Kentucky, we kept hearing about a desperate need for storage before the rebuilding can truly begin. We're on it, as Heather Westcott explains in this short video.  

Kentucky Survey Day 2

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January 20, 2022 I spent most of the day yesterday in a small town called Dawson Springs, population 2500. 73% of the town was destroyed. It’s hard to show this in pictures because it’s hard to take pictures of “nothing“.

Kentucky Devastation

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January 18, 2022 I’m in Kentucky this week to see the damage from the tornadoes that hit here last month. I’m also meeting with a church that can house volunteers. We will likely start a new mission here in February.

Moving On in Sulphur 2022

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January 17, 2022 This past week we had the pleasure of working with two different groups of Volunteers. The first group is Touching Lives Worldwide. Over twenty wonderful volunteers come from all over the country, blessing our community with their

Volunteers Welcomed and Needed

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January 11, 2022 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If you’ve been wanting to volunteer in Louisiana, now is the time! The temperatures are great, the food is amazing and the need is great! We have openings at our Sulphur operation and would love

More From NC

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November 13, 2021 It is always great to have Mike B. in town! This time he came with his friends from Indiana for two weeks. We got a lot accomplished to make Ms. Bernice’s home safe. Quite a few unsafe

Our Amazing Volunteers!

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November 11, 2021 We’ve had a wonderful group of volunteers this week who have followed our operation for a while now. Plenty of hardworking volunteers means we can split them up between 3 homes. They’ve been a real treat to

Thank you Volunteers!

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November 4, 2021 This week we have two awesome groups helping us in our efforts to rebuild. One group was from McVeytown, PA, and has partnered with us before in other locations. The other group (Mission Church) has ties to

Our 6th Site in Louisiana

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October 31, 2021 Hopefully you know that Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders is now off and rebuilding, our SIXTH mission in Louisiana. That means you'll hear us talking about the earlier missions. One of our most memorable efforts was certainly building

Men For Missions Working It!

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Oct 27, 2021 When Covid shut down international travel, we knew we had to figure out other ways to keep serving. We’re so grateful for the way we’ve been able to partner with Fuller to help communities in Louisiana that

Helping Hands of St. John’s LC

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October 13, 2021 This past week we had the opportunity to work with a dedicated group called the Helping Hands of St. John’s Lutheran Church from Nazareth, PA. They’ve volunteered with us at multiple locations starting with Biloxi. It was

Welcome Home Ms. Cathy!

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October 12, 2021 This homeowner suffered so much loss over the past 3 years, including the loss of her husband, her father, her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. When she was advised by someone else that her house needed to be torn

Volunteers From Dumfries, VA to NC

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October 12, 2021 Thanks to the volunteers from Covenant Presbyterian Church out of Dumfries Virginia for coming down to help rebuild Mrs. Moore’s home in Pamlico County, NC. Lots of challenging floor joist work this week. The blessing out of

Good Morning America in LA

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September 29, 2021 Today we had a chance to share the Ginger Ford Northshore Fuller Center and Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders mission and show the nation how we are helping to restore Tangipahoa Parish by helping families not only rebuild

Nolan’s Home Blessing

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September 18, 2021 Three years and three days after Hurricane Florence came to shore in North Carolina and damaged the Nolan’s home we were able to have a home blessing for them. What a blessing for us all! Rusty Cready/Operations

West Lawn Working Hard in NC

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September 15, 2021 Thank you to West Lawn UMC for great work at Ms. Andrea’s home and the Nolan’s home in Pamlico County NC. Looking forward to finishing both of these homes this week (and have time to squeeze in

Americorps Team Helping in Hammond LA

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September 12, 2021 Americorps NCCC strike team getting organized and planning out their work for the coming week. Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders, The Ginger Ford Northshore Fuller Center for Housing and Americorps NCCC team will be back at mucking, gutting

West Lawn Methodist Team Helps in NC

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September 12, 2021 Looking forward to working with these volunteers from West Lawn United Methodist Church outside of Reading PA. Thanks for them coming down to help families get their homes repaired in Pamlico County, NC. Rusty Cready/Operations Director FCDR

Another Family Returns Home!

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September 11, 2021 As Ida was approaching, we were determined to celebrate the blessing of this house with this homeowner and her family. Although half of this home sustained major damage from Hurricane Laura, Ms. Charlene (aka Wren) can now

Mr. Moore is Home!

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September 10, 2021 The past few weeks have been a whirlwind and we have some wonderful news to share regarding our retired firefighter! Mr. Moore’s home is now safe and complete! It’s been a joy to serve this kind LSU

Getting Things Done

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September 10, 2021 Yesterday- the Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders along with Americorps NCCC was back in Lincoln Park removing a tree from a house. Today we will return to tarp the house to seal up the leaks in the roof.

Come to Hammond, LA

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September 7, 2021 Good Morning Hammond America from the Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders and Americorps NCCC - we are going to do our part to make it a beautiful day!!! Bart Tucker and Team say Come on down ya’ll -

News From Hammond

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September 8, 2021 Good morning everyone from Hammond America - this morning the plan is to remove a big (a really big) tree from a home and then tarp the roof. It is going to be another great day -

Hurricane Ida Response

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September 1, 2021 We want to update on FCDR's response to Hurricane Ida - along with our friends from Ginger Ford Northshore Fuller Center for Housing we have started operations in Hammond, LA. Working out of First Presbyterian Church

More Progress at the Nolan’s

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August 30, 2021. We got an early start this past Friday morning blowing insulation in for the Nolan’s home in Pamlico County, NC. Looking forward to getting this family back in their home and having the home blessing on 9/17.

Thank You Richard and Sandy!

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August 7, 2021 Thank you so much to Richard and Sandy with Mt Zion Free Will Baptist Church for hosting our volunteers this week for dinner at Camp Vandemere in Pamlico County Friday night! Rusty Cready/Operations Director FCDR NC

Working Along at the Nolan’s

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August 7, 2021 This is the Bethesda UMC group from Swedesboro, NJ along with Patti (local New Bernian originally from NJ) working on the Nolan’s home in Bayboro, NC on Friday. This was a well deserved break from the heat

Home Blessing for Ms. Gloria

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August 7, 2021 It was an emotional Home Blessing Friday for Ms Gloria. A blessing doesn’t mean that everything you pray against will not happen, instead, we are inviting God to work in our home and family and ultimately, for

Bethesda Youth Group Back in NC

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August 2, 2021 It's always great to have the Bethesda UMC group from Swedesboro, NJ (aka- a lot of the Dewalt clan) coming down to Pamlico County, NC to help homeowners. Always gets interesting with Eastern North Carolina coastal weather

MFM is Back in LA

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August 2, 2021 This week, our One Mission Society/Men For Missions team is making amazing progress on our homes! It’s not surprising. All of our volunteers have been a blessing for our homeowners!! Toni Ratliff/Family Partner FCDR LA

Kitchen Finished in Texas

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July 31, 2021 For several years, we have had a great team of Habitat friends that enjoy coming together to help out. They’ve come together to complete another beautiful kitchen for one of our Texas homes! Thank you, Eddie for

Youth Groups Help in LA

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July 24, 2021 For the past two weeks our Louisiana operation has had the energy and strength of two different Methodist youth teams. First United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge and UM Army both sent us teams of hard working

Esperanza Visit

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July 3, 2021 One of the fantastic things return groups do is visit homeowners they have helped in the past. I know both the homeowners and the volunteers appreciate those visits as when you volunteer you tend to develop lifelong

Working Away at Ms. Gloria’s

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July 2, 2021 Great progress has been made on Ms. Gloria’s home in Arapahoe, NC this week thanks to the Esperanza Covenant Church out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. We completed the flooring in her new bedroom, closet, living room and

Esperanza Team 2 Hard at Work

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June 30, 2021 The other half of our volunteers from Esperanza Covenant church have been working on the Nolan’s home in Bayboro, NC. They got the exterior painted, drywall mudding and sanding done inside, and as we typically find -

Esperanza Team 1 Hard at Work

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July 30, 2021 Volunteers this week from Esperanza Covenant Church in Grand Rapids Michigan working on Ms. Gloria’s home in Arapahoe, NC. We got the exterior of the home painted and half the inside of the home painted. We also

Team Esperanza in NC

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June 27, 2021 It's great to see Pastor Dale from Esperanza Covenant Church from Grand Rapids Michigan again along with members of his congregation. I had the pleasure of working with his team close to 2 years ago. We’re headed

Another Wonderful Team

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June 25, 2021 Day #5 Louisiana MFM Team: This week has flown by... it's been such a wonderful time serving alongside of Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders Toni Karam Ratliff and Aaron Ratliff are wonderful people with servants hearts and we

More MFM at Work

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June 24, 2021 So much has been accomplished so far this week and this Men For Missions team still has one more day to go! Two of the MFM team members prayed with our homeowner and the homeowner prayed to

God’s Work in Progress in LA

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June 24, 2021 Day 3 (already?) Louisiana MFM team: We accomplished much today- Removed and replaced roofing deck boards, and put down felt paper. Removed flooring then reinforced floor joist, and installed new sheeting sub-flooring. Then a couple from our

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June 13, 2021 Had a great week of ministry with Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders. It was a real blessing to meet and get to know Martin Moore.  Our Men for Missions team is leaving very encouraged and ready to come

Why We Help

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June 14, 2021 This is one of the best videos I’ve seen describing how homeowners feel about their homes, faith and impact of others helping them rebuild. Aaron Ratliff/Operations Director FCDR LA

Moving Along in LA

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June 10, 2021 This week we have the absolute pleasure of having our regulars Mike Bultimeier, Dennis Dubay and Hans Bauman, along with Travis, Larry, Bill Evans, Betsy Shroyer and Lisa Bruno! It’s been a scorcher, but these volunteers have

Fourth Roof in Pamlico County!

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June 9, 2021 4th roof in Pamlico County NC finished today by this great group of men from Lancaster Pennsylvania. We have been watched over and blessed to have this crew here to make it happen for these homeowners between

Thank You for Helping in NC!

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June 7, 2021 Three down, one to go in Pamlico. Again, a great big thank you to these young Mennonite men from Lancaster Pennsylvania. They finished up Ms. King’s roof Saturday in Pamlico County. Tomorrow we have Mr. Carmen’s roof

Another Roof Finished in NC

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June 3, 2021 This great group of young men from Lancaster, PA finished up a second roof in Pamlico County NC. Some friends of Ms. Gloria had reshingled her roof with 3 tab shingles that aren’t rated for the wind

Working in 3 Counties

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June 2, 2021 Busy in 3 counties in eastern NC today. I had the pleasure of working with my friend David Rose today in Trenton NC (Jones County) on Ms. Scarlene’s home, John is working with some volunteers in Havelock

Livingston Cares Working in LA

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May 28, 2021 Southwest Louisiana has really taken some serious blows over the past 14 months!! Now that the floodwaters have receded, our team has eagerly returned to working on our disabled firefighter’s home. We were blessed with a group

Honoring Our Veterans

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May 27, 2021 Thank you to SBP and the Carolina Loggers Association we were able to install a ramp for Mr. Dale who is an Army Veteran. Thanks to one of our partner organizations in eastern NC - Call to

Help Comes to NC

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May 26, 2021 Thanks to Karen (hugging Rusty the bear) and David coming down from Michigan this week helping out on several homes. Thanks to John for his help and for bringing his wife Chris over for dinner tonight. Rusty

Good Shepherd Team in NC

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May 7, 2021 It was a great blessing to have The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd of Venice Florida who also had volunteers from Michigan join them for a total of 17 volunteers. They worked on 2 homes in

We Need Our Volunteers

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April 30, 2021 We have had so many wonderful volunteers over the years! Check out the pics from our time in Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. See if you recognize any of these homes or volunteers! (Check out more

Ongoing Work in Texas

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From our Texas operation: Mr. W. (age in his fifties) was referred to Fuller by the City of La Marque. Per our first initial phone call with Mr. W., he was not at home during the week of the winter

MFM Making a Difference in NC

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April 9, 2021 A very heartfelt thanks to Men for Missions helping at AJ and Charleen’s home this week in Havelock NC to continue this rebuild started by several volunteer groups this year. As promised just wanted to add some

Building On in NC

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April 9, 2021 Busy week this week. Thanks again to the Dewalt team and friends coming down to work on Tasha’s home in New Bern. Tasha had picked out a dark blue color for her upstairs rooms that were damaged

More MFM in NC

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April 8, 2021 We love to work hard here at MFM, but we value relationships more than anything. One of the best blessings of working with Fuller has been getting to interact with and connect relationally with the homeowners AJ

MFM Helps Out in NC

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April 7, 2021 Men for Missions has come to NC this week. We’ve had some great ministries come to eastern NC this year to help and Men for Missions is no exception. Got two new windows installed (takes 8-10 weeks

Making Progress in NC

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April 5, 2021 Two weeks ago we had this group come help continue to rebuild AJ and Charleen’s home in Havelock, NC. We made great progress in adding shelving in the garage to organize things and got all the walls

Thank you Hudaks!!

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March 26, 2021 The day has finally come to say goodbye to this amazing couple as they begin their journey back home. It has been a true pleasure to work with Andy and Maureen for the past few months! Their

Partnering with MFM

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March 24, 2021 MFM was fortunate to partner with Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders recently. They continue to do work in Louisiana, Texas, and North Carolina, helping low-income families/people without home insurance. Their ministry is a beautiful blessing, and we look

The Hebert Family is Home!

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March 23, 2021 Last week we were able to celebrate the blessing of the Hebert family home! When we entered this home for the first time, it didn’t take long to figure out what the home desperately needed. Although the

We Need You in Texas!

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March 2, 2021 Yep, this is what has to be replaced in only one house and there are thousands! If this picture doesn't frighten you, that means we need you in Texas. Of course, we always need someone to gofer

SWLA Recovery Underway

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March 1, 2021 Our volunteers and staff have been working hard to bring our homeowners back home. They’ve made tremendous progress on these homes in Southwest Louisiana! It is always amazing to see the beauty unfolding when volunteers are on

Thank you Volunteers!!

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February 16, 2021 Our volunteers and construction staff have been hard at work in Southwest Louisiana, and it shows! We’ve had amazing teams from Illinois, Wisconsin and our AmeriCorp NCCC team, as well as our faithful long-term volunteers! They’ve made

One Step Closer in NC

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February 15, 2021 Thanks to Al and Sandy, with Men for Missions, coming down this week from Minnesota to work on AJ’s and Charleen’s home in Havelock North Carolina. We got a lot done moving items out of the house

Volunteers in LA

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February 8, 2021 Here we are on Monday, our first day working at Martin Moore's home in Sulpher, Louisiana with Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders. Alan Park Volunteer Team/FCDR LA (Author and Photographer)  

An AmeriCorp Birthday in LA

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January 27, 2021 Our Americorp volunteers come to us from all over the country, leaving their families and the comforts of home behind to work with us and serve the communities around us. It is both a personal and professional

The NC Work Keeps On

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January 26, 2021 John and I were able to finish up the painting and trim work in the kitchen for AJ and Charlene today. The floor had collapsed at the end of the kitchen where the door is. Our partner

Thank you Mike and Scott!!

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January 22, 2021 It's been a good 2 weeks in Havelock, NC. Thank you to Mike and Scott from Indiana and safe travels back tomorrow. We re-sided the entire home and repaired probably around 100 linear feet of sill plates.

Progress Continues in NC

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January 20, 2021 We continued to make great progress at AJ and Charlene’s home thanks to Mike and Scott from Indiana- exhausting week and a half for us but rewarding. W e have most of the siding up. The kitchen

More Progress in NC

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January 15, 2020 Good progress this week on AJ’s and Charlene’s home in Havelock NC. Thanks to Mike and Scott from Indiana and John from New Bern on making this happen. Hope to finish siding next week as well as

Ms. Bettie’s Home!

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January 14, 2021 It was great to be able to attend a home blessing out in Pamlico County NC this evening for Ms. Bettie’s home! The partnership between us, the Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Coalition (Pamlico County LTRG) and the

Starting the New Year in NC

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January 14, 2021 It's great to have Mike and Scott here this week and next week in North Carolina helping us rebuild AJ (US Marine veteran) and his wife Charlene’s home in Havelock. We have most of the new siding

Volunteer Star of the Day!!

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December 24, 2020 I would like to extend a big thank you to Chuck Baldachinno for volunteering today on a special project. Many may not know Chuck unless you volunteered in Panama City, FL, or in Louisiana. Chuck is a

AmeriCorps NCCC in LA

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December 1, 2020 The best part of my job is working with volunteers! I am especially enthused to be working with a group of NCCC young people these last few weeks. This is only half of them but they are

ReBuilding in Sulphur, LA

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November 21, 2020 Even though George Warren and the Kingdom Investors team left Sulphur one week ago, their hard work, dedication and passion to share the love of Christ will never be forgotten!! They worked tirelessly with our staff to

Another Family Home in NC

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November 17, 2020 We had a wonderful home blessing out in Pamlico County this evening for Roosevelt and Inez. They have been out of their home for over 2 years and are finally able to move back in. Thanks to

AmeriCorps NCCC Helping in LA

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November 15, 2020 We are so fortunate to have this hard-working AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) team with us as we start up the FCDR operation in Sulphur, LA. They are an impressive team, and have been knocking it

Opportunities to Serve in a Salaried Position in LA

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November 13, 2020 We've had a long and fruitful association with the AmeriCorps program. We now have a grand opportunity--you can serve with us in a salaried position. Check this out! Bart Tucker/FCDR President

Sulphur Lodging

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November 4, 2020 An after work drive to Sulpher, LA and now we are all settled in at the FCDR volunteer housing. Thursday a special project with an Americorps team. Alan Park Team

Alan Park Team in TX and LA

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November 3, 2020 Tuesday we finished all interior painting, including the garage. Wednesday we start installing flooring. Then after dinner, we are driving to Sulpher, Louisiana to work with Toni and Aaron. Then back to Houston Thursday night to install

The Work Goes On in Texas

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November 4, 2020 Alan Park, David and Vicki Datt are making a huge difference in Dickinson, TX this week!! Also, going to help in Sulphur, LA this week. We are accepting volunteers and trust me, Volunteers, you are desperately needed.

Setting Up Shop in Sulphur, LA

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September 24, 2020 There are pictures of the volunteer accommodations for the Hurricane Laura recovery in Sulphur, LA. We are limiting the group size to 15 to ensure you have appropriate distancing. Bart Tucker/FCDR President  

Great Partnership In Pamlico County NC

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September 24, 2020 Great partnership going on in Pamlico County NC with the Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Alliance (PCDRA) who is providing grant money, the Brethren Disaster Ministries who is providing leadership and volunteers and Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders who

A Call to Help SWLA

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September 15, 2020 The tree damage in Louisiana is completely overwhelming, especially to the residents that are affected. Bart Tucker, Faith Bontrager, Pete Berlowitz, Eddie Sahagun, Kate Robinson, Neil Pettifor and Aaron Ratliff were able to clear out some of

One More Moving Home in FL

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September 13, 2020 This homeowner still tears up when speaking of her terrifying experience the day Hurricane Michael hit Panama City. She ran from room to room, searching for a safe area, as the ceilings started falling in throughout her

Helping Homeowners in Panama City

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September 13, 2020 Although we’ve been busy assessing damage caused by Hurricane Laura, we are still busy helping our homeowners in Panama City! We recently completed the home of Ms. Mayola, and will miss our daily visits with this sweet

The Work Continues in Texas

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September 12, 2020 After taking a few days to visit the carnage in Louisiana, Eddie Sahagun and Tom Gongora are at work on this house in Dickinson, Texas. New cabinets to be installed after trim and walls are painted and

FCDR Hit the Ground Running

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September 12, 2020 We definitely hit the ground running in Louisiana, where the devastation is widespread and getting too little attention. Here's an update from The Fuller Center about our efforts and plans for Laura recovery.

God’s Provision for NC

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September 9, 2020 Two years ago this month Hurricane Florence did significant damage to the New Bern NC and surrounding areas. You can still drive around and see tarps on roofs so the work is not done. We started a

Lake Charles Effort

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September 1, 2020 Our experienced scout team of Toni and Aaron have been on the ground in the Lake Charles area searching for our new home. They've more than confirmed the destruction that you've read about. Yes, it's wind damage

Working On in TX

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August 20, 2020 The homeowner of the newest house to be ReBuilt in Dickinson, TX by The Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders is really on the move. Troy Skinner, Ed Sahagun, Ed Gongora, Kate Robinson and Jimmy Elmore have done a

Texas City New Build

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August 4, 2020 The photos attached are of a house that began as an old abandoned lot in Texas City, TX. As you will see, through the efforts of Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders (FCDR) staff and contractors, the house is

Another Home Competed in TX

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August 4, 2020 A new house that FCDR has been working at in Dickinson, TX has been mainly fixing windows and the bathtubs. Eddie Sahagun and others have done the work to finalize the movement back to a complete home.

A Helper Comes to FL

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August 4, 2020 Things have been moving along here in Panama City at a slower pace than usual, thanks to COVID-19. So, when this guy showed up to help out for a few days, we were ecstatic! Thanks to Aaron,

Home in Galveston

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August 4, 2020 The staff with FCDR not only work on other's homes, they and their families volunteer for others as well. Eddie Sahagun is one of the staff on the Texas FCDR team. He and his wife Katie's granddaughter,

Texas City ReBuild

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July 15, 2020 The staff of Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders in the Galveston County/Dickinson/Friendswood area have not gotten much press lately, nor the progress of the houses upon which they work. Hopefully, that ends here. There will be a more

Welcome Neil Pettifor

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July 10, 2020 We’ve all felt that “tug” on our hearts at some point in our lives. It’s that strong pull that leads us to help those affected by disasters. One such fellow that has felt that “tug” is Neil

Aaron’s Back at Work!

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July 1, 2020 To all that know this guy, we can never thank you enough for the kind messages and prayers. As of yesterday, Aaron Ratliff is back!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 He’s not quite up to full duty yet, but he’s getting there!!! Toni Karam

Robert’s Home is Finished

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June 22, 2020 It’s a good day and a sad day. We have wrapped up Robert’s (the cat whisperer) home in New Bern on Raleigh Street. We started this way back in January and were slowed greatly as the Coronavirus

FCDR Newsletter

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The latest Fuller Center e-newsletter — available at — includes a nod to our Disaster ReBuilders and an important message about racial harmony from Fuller Center President David Snell. Chris Johnson

Volunteers in Texas

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June 4, 2020 Let me introduce Chris and Neil Pettifor from Lansing, MI. Neil is a general contractor will plenty of experience in house construction. The way Chris wields a hammer, she has had plenty of experience herself! They will finish

FCDR Speaks to Our Volunteers

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Our nation is at this moment face-to-face with the long-term effects of racial prejudice and injustice. As a nation, we can apologize for not doing enough but, of course, that is a long ways from fixing the problem. We must

The Work Goes On in Texas

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June 1, 2020 The two houses in process in Texas City, TX being rebuilt by Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders (FCDR) are on their way. In fact, one is completed. The family will move back into their home any time now.

Another Way You Can Help

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Did you know that FCDR has a Smile Account with Amazon? AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the

North Carolina Update

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May 28, 2020 We finished up Hattie’s house this week in Pamlico County East of New Bern this week. She’s been living in a trailer next to her house since Hurricane Florence and this past Monday she finally got to

Still Getting it Done!

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May 27, 2020 Last week I had the opportunity to make some "aging in place" improvements to the home of my friend and church’s retired secretary (I’ll call her Mary). Done as a mission of Trinity Evangelical Church not FCDR,

Still Getting it Done in Texas!

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May 22, 2020 With all the gloom and doom about the COVID-19 virus, most of which is valid, work on Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders houses across the nation has slowed down greatly. However, the staff in the Galveston County area

A Grateful Homeowner

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May 13, 2020 This is a text exchange with Darlene from Pamlico County NC today where we are using a contractor (Darrin with ProConstruction and they have done so much with us in the last few months to bring help

The Work Goes on In NC

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May 13, 2020 We have been working on Robert’s house quite a bit this week. Starting to run the flooring. We redid the front porch and are redoing the side porch which was in pretty bad shape. Also working on

Texas City Home ReBuild Continues

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April 20, 2020 COVID-19 may keep volunteers away from Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders projects in Texas. However, staff member Eddie Sahagun and a homeowner (Cassiano) worked on a house in Texas City. FCDR makes a commitment to a client and

Starting in Cove City NC

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April 9, 2020 We started this home in Cove City NC yesterday. Cove City is about 20 minutes west of New Bern. Believe it or not, this home still had a blue tarp on it yesterday morning from Hurricane Florence

More Work in Pamlico, NC

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 April 8, 2020 Finished up Ms. Alicia’s home in Pamlico County NC today. Subfloors had dry rotted. Showing finished pictures and pictures shortly after subfloor was pulled out. Also had numerous drywall repairs and a rusted out hot water heater.

Still Much to Do in New Bern

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April 2, 2020 Some updated pictures today from Robert’s house on Raleigh Street. Hugh and his crew continue to plug away. We hope to complete Raleigh Street, Pleasant Hill and Oak Street this month- missing our volunteers but your safety

New ReBuild in Texas City TX

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March 24, 2020 Now that Harris and Galveston Counties are under shelter in place orders, I will not be taking too many more photos. Perhaps some exterior photos, but not any interiors. However, there are still many to be posted,

Roofing in Bayboro, NC

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March 21, 2020 We started roof repairs on Miss Dorothy’s home in Bayboro NC (20 miles east of New Bern in Pamlico County) today. Yesterday we moved her furnishings, etc to a storage container so we can finish the interior

A Word from Bart

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March 20, 2020 As most of you know, I don’t get the opportunity to spend quality time with volunteer groups very often. Well, this week was one of those weeks when I did. And it was with one of my

Dedicating A Home in La Marque TX

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March 18. 2020 Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders celebrated another dedication of a house destroyed by Hurricane Harvey in La Marque, TX. Some may remember the posts with photos of when the house was demolished, the pile of rubble, the installation

New Build In Texas

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March 5, 2020 Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders (FCDR) has started another house from the ground up. This house in Texas City, Texas was so badly damaged by Hurricane Harvey in 2017 that it was "bulldozed" with an excavator machine. Then

Still Rebuilding in Texas

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March 8, 2020, Webster Presbyterian Church was happy to host another volunteer Dinner and Orientation for Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders. This group of folks came from The Congregational Church in S. Glastonbury, CT. There were ten volunteers in all for

A Great Start

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We’re having a great week here in Plaquemines loaded with boomerangers. One of Heather’s favorite memories of the week is seeing Pastor Melissa, California Lutheran University, come into the Fellowship Hall on Sunday night and recognizing at least five of

2011 in Plaquemines Parish

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In June 2009, we “declared victory” over Hurricane Katrina and moved our mission to Hurricane Ike country in East Texas. As you know by now, I’ve admitted to a premature declaration of victory (I’m in good company anyway). We might

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